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Heavy Metal Toxicity Testing

Heavy Metal toxicity testing

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measures the mineral composition of hair. It is regarded by many doctors, naturopaths and nutritional therapists as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care. InterClinical Laboratories provides reliable clinical data on over 35 nutrient and toxic minerals and over 26 significant mineral ratios.

Hair is a body tissue made up of mostly dead, keratinized cells fused together. The shaft of the hair is the portion that projects from the skin surface. The root of the hair, below the skin surface, contains living matrix cells from which the hair grows. Matrix cells depend on the blood supply for nourishment and growth. As they grow and divide, minerals are keratinized into the growing hair shaft, creating a permanent record of metabolic activity and exposure to toxic elements. Mineral concentrations in the hair can provide a reliable indicator of mineral stores in the whole body. If your health, diet or environment has created a mineral imbalance or toxic mineral excess, it will be recorded in the hair shaft. Research has shown that hair mineral levels reflect stored mineral levels in other body tissues.

Acne, Allergies, Alzheimer’s disease, Anaemia, Anxiety, Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, Cardiac conditions, Dental problems, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive problems, Fatigue, Hair loss & poor nails, Headaches, High blood pressure, Hormone imbalance, Hyperactivity, Hypercholesterolaemia, Hypoglycaemia, Immune impairment, Infertility, Insomnia, Learning difficulties, Macular degeneration, Memory problems, Migraines, Mood swings, Muscle cramps, Osteoporosis, PMS, Prostate, disorders, Skin problems, Stress Thyroid disorders, Wounds healing poorly.

This testing is suitable for all ages.